LiquidFeedback Core (Backend)
This page is dedicated to the backend of LiquidFeedback (“the core”). You may also want to visit the main page of LiquidFeedback.
The core consists of a database scheme for the PostgreSQL database, including the algorithms for delegations, feedback and the voting procedure implemented as SQL views and database procedures written in PL/pgSQL. As it is licensed under the liberal MIT/X11-License you can include it in any software project you like, as long as there is PostgreSQL support for your programming language available.
- PostgreSQL
- pgLatLon (mandatory for versions from 4.0.0 until 4.2.1 inclusive; optional for version 4.2.2 or higher)
- liquid_feedback_core-v4.2.2.tar.gz
- liquid_feedback_core-v4.2.1.tar.gz
- liquid_feedback_core-v4.2.0.tar.gz
- liquid_feedback_core-v4.1.0.tar.gz
- liquid_feedback_core-v4.0.0.tar.gz
- liquid_feedback_core-v3.2.2.tar.gz
- liquid_feedback_core-v3.2.1.tar.gz
- liquid_feedback_core-v3.2.0.tar.gz
- liquid_feedback_core-v3.1.0.tar.gz
Older releases are found here.
- 2021-02-05: Version 4.2.2
- Geospatial indices not installed by default to reduce dependencies (indexing via pgLatLon is now optional)
- 2020-12-05: Version 4.2.1
- Support for own voting weight other than 1
- Issue based privileges to override unit based privileges
- Fixed wrong version number in update script to previous version
- Added JSONB column attr to table unit for extended attributes of any kind
- Added missing referential integrity constraint on posting table
- Removed dependencies on pgConflux and btree_gist extensions (introduced in version 4.2.0, which can be skipped during update)
- 2020-02-11: Version 4.2.0
- New features
- Added posting table and follower concept (using pgConflux)
- Attachments for drafts (e.g. images)
- Revised full text search to allow locale configuration
- Removed snapshot_retention configuration (always delete unused snapshots immediately)
- Fixed wrong constraint initiative_ids_not_equal on battle table to ensure valid entries in table
- Bugfixes
- Bug in check_issue function fixed, which could lead to non-accepted issues staying open after admission phase has ended
table (due to handling of NULLs in CHECK constraints) - Added missing index on member_useterms table
- Bug in check_issue function fixed, which could lead to non-accepted issues staying open after admission phase has ended
- Code cleanup
- Renamed indices on issue table to match naming convention
- Removed some indices
- Improved README on dealing with problems during updating procedure
- New features
- 2018-11-18: Version 4.1.0
- Support for role accounts
- Changes in table system_application: split-up discovery_baseurl into base_url and manifest_url
- Added unsubscribe_secret column to member table to hold secrets for List-Unsubscribe mail headers
- Several bugfixes
- Added missing qualifier in expired_token view to avoid authorization codes to be deleted when used
- Fixed wrong referential integrity index in table ignored_member
- Fixed error in write_event_initiative_revoked_trigger which caused runtime exceptions
- 2017-09-29: Version 4.0.0
- Geospatial support
- Dynamic admission quorum
- Absolute issue and initiative quora
- Support for integrated OAuth 2.0 server
- Usage of PostgreSQL's JSONB datatype to store member profile information and settings
- Revised snapshot system
- Extended event logging
- Revised system to store information about accepted terms of use
- 2016-05-06: Version 3.2.2
- New views member_eligible_to_be_notified and member_to_notify
- Bug fixes
- Set some notification settings to zero or DEFAULT in functions delete_member and delete_private_data (causes NULL constraint violation otherwise)
- Exclude locked members from list of recipients in view scheduled_notification_to_send
- Exclude non-activated members from list of recipients in views scheduled_notification_to_send and newsletter_to_send (relevant only in certain setups)
- Allow to exclude featured initiatives from digests by setting notification_sample_size to zero
- 2016-04-30: Version 3.2.1
- Removed ON CONFLICT clause to allow PostgreSQL 9.3 compatibility (PostgreSQL 9.3 or 9.4 users can update directly from Core v3.1.0 to v3.2.1)
- 2016-04-24: Version 3.2.0
- Revised notification system, including newsletters
- Improved error messages (using HINTs)
- 2015-12-14: Version 3.1.0
- Added min_admission_time field to policy and issue tables
- Removed deprecated member_application table and discussion_url column of initiative table
- Clarified operator precedence
- Shortened constraint names to a maximum length of 63 characters