
pg_collkey is a wrapper to use the collation functions of the ICU library with a PostgreSQL database server. Using this wrapper, you can specify the desired locale for sorting UTF-8 strings directly in the SQL query, rather than setting it during database installation. Default Unicode collation (DUCET) is supported as well. You can select whether punctuation should be a primary collation attribute or not. The level of comparison can be limited (in order to ignore accents for example). Numbers inside strings can be recognized, so that 'test2' is placed before 'test10'.




  • 2013-11-27: Version 0.5 released
    • added support for PostgreSQL version 9.2 and 9.3
  • 2011-02-18: Version 0.4 released
    • improved Makefile portability (Robin Smidsrød)
    • LICENSE changed to MIT License
  • 2009-05-01: Version 0.3 released
    • added support for PostgreSQL version 8.3
  • 2006-12-26: Version 0.2 released
    • added support for PostgreSQL version 8.2
  • 2006-06-09: Initial release of version 0.1